rain. boots + cheap umbrellas

I decided that until the last week of November (heading back to South Tyrol one more time) I am going to stay in Milan. Exams are creeping up, I have 2 group projects, and where I was thinking of going, the weather is just plain, ol’ blah!!! Traveling by train is exhausting enough… rainy, grey, and cold weather is just overkill. Trashing 2 umbrellas within the last 3 months doesn’t exactly help either. True story as of this morning. People warned me about the rain in this region and they weren’t kidding!

Besides, what I do not spend on train tickets I can spend on shoes. FYI the hunt for 5″ platform, knee-high,  Italian leather, stiletto boots remains at a standstill. I AM in Milan… right?? Seriously… flat boots invade every shoe shop I walk into!!! Yes, I get that they’re in style… but (this may come as shock to you) I do NOT care!!! I don’t want or need another pair of rider boots… I want need the height!!! I didn’t take 8years of ballet to wear flatts in my 20’s.

Anyhow, this afternoon after yet another failed attempt to find a pair of boots downtown, I found myself walking through the park behind the Duomo. It was nice to be away from the concrete and pavement for a change. Mind you, being raised on acreage majority of my life, I did find it pretty bizarre that I had to take a 44min tram to the nearest trees and field of grass. Nonetheless it was fun watching the ducks in the pond play in the rain. Mind you, I was a little distracted wondering what the hell the rain had in store for hair. Curly hair problems at its finest!  






just another random couple kissing in the park





Duck Dynasty tree.


Jessica. Xo

6 thoughts on “rain. boots + cheap umbrellas

  1. Glad you’re looking past the rain and seeing the beauty beyond — your photos are great — you have a eye for this. Don’t laugh at me but i just bought my first pair of riding boots; i’m a little slow,eh! Weather is quite dreary back home too so enjoy all that Milan has to offer while you can.

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